she starts the day with an ensure and today she drank it down. And lunch was oatmeal with fresh strawberries. This is not how much she eats, just think about a third more. The wonderful angel that helps me once a week says she is amazed how much she eats. About a 1/4 of what I feed mom is normal. Marilyn is an RN with many years o knowledge, so I defer to her on these things. The problem is, she takes so long to eat. Sometimes up to an hour. She chews about 60 to 100 times per bite. That also means that she eats cold food. Often I keep half of it in the pan to keep warm. I have elected NOT to have a microwave, I don't like them. So everything is heated on the stove, but think of it, those who have microwaves, after the third "warm up" the food becomes leather. This way the food stays better. I have discovered the secret of keeping the oatmeal warm. DON'T stir it after it's ready, it gets a kind of coating and keeps all below warner. Besides that's her favorite meal. How do I know? She eats it fastest. For me that means 30 mins. For someone else and hour.
We are taking an adventure in herb teas. This month is wild berry zinger. Iced. It's the best so far. So tonight it's the rest of the tube from yesterday broken up in organic eggs. I think giving her as much organic food as possible helps the "system". The home that she was in stated that she would have to have soft food from now on. They were wrong, and she eats 100% every time. Yes i know, it's because I can sit with her for as long as it takes, but she does eat it all, and I'm pretty darn sure that it's because my food is much better. After all, with all my jobs, I an say that i'm a bit of a gourmet cook. Also, I only use the good stuff, like real butter, i grind the pepper and salt. Some may find that part of care not so fun, but I love it, otherwise i could say, bitter, party of one
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