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Sunday, January 17, 2010

weird day

My never-fail oatmeal, failed this morning. Half way through she just clammed up. It was the day I was to go to church, and she didn't eat. OH CRAP!!! Nic came over to sit with her so that I could go to church, and she WON'T eat. She does that smile that creeps me out, and by the way my sister knows that smile. At least she ate a normal dinner and even dessert. I even think when I asked if she was comfortable and she said no, I think she was communicating with me. I did adjust the bed and asked again, and she just smiled. I'm not sure.
She hasn't talked much these last few days. Not even babbling, is this the real beginning of the end? Am I ready? I don't think so. I tell her that we are moving in a few months, that we will have a home again, one that is ours. NO TRAIN noises. Better neighborhood. Maybe even help with her. Give her a real bath. Something I can't do on my own. Even better food. I didn't bring all my kitchen stuff to this house knowing that I was moving so soon. I miss a nice kitchen with all my "stuff". You never know what you'll miss until it's not there. It's not that I can't cook without it, just that those little things are what you miss. I made a really bad cheesecake (box mix) thinking she would like it. I'm not sure, perhaps it was just a different texture, and cold.
Tomorrow is another day...


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