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Sunday, November 8, 2009

the candy clause

When I had to go to court to become my mother's conservator, we had to go to an attorney. While there, he asked mom is there anything that you want to make sure that your daughter does or does not do for you. She paused for a moment and said, she never gives me enough candy. So making the moment even lighter, I said, so what you are saying is there must be a "candy clause". The attorney laughed and said that he wasn't sure that could be enforced, but then he added an offer of anything she wanted from the bowl of candy he had. She laughed. But still insisted that there be a candy clause.
Why am I writing this?? Today, I gave her a candy bar, Twix to be exact. I love them out of the fridge. And they said that she could only have pureed food, they didn't know Cleo. Other than the poop thing, she is doing well.
Oh, the poop thing is, she didn't "go" for far too long. So it's suppositories and latex gloves for me. Power to latex gloves. That was humor, if you can't tell.
Watching her eat the candy, you could say that she would say, thank goodness for the candy clause. I'm sure that she liked each bite, other wise she could say, bitter, party of one.


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