yesterday was Thanksgiving, she wouldn't eat, at least the turkey, mashed potatoes or cranberries. She puckers her lips and won't let the spoon in. It's the morning meal she seems to like, oatmeal. In real life ( the time before the ALZ kicked in) she loved oatmeal, so I knew it would be "safe" for a morning meal most of the time. I have sauteed spinach and added eggs to the pan and scrambled it. With a little feta, it was good. She ate it. The evening meal is the hard one. The oatmeal gets an open mouth, the evening meal is met the puckered lips.
She has a VERY strict health directive, DNR, no heroic measures and NO feeding tubes. Just moisten lips. So if there are any suggestions out there I'm all ears.
Oh and latex stills wins for me, the laxative added to the enema did their job and I cleaned that out pouring for two days. But, and I say that tongue in cheek, (closed mouth, for those who have cleaned that) she is now colon clean.
Remember the no talking game I wrote about before? Well it's another day of that game. Oh and that smile that she does, got that too! I told her I didn't want to play today. The first time I ever didn't play and felt ok about it. In fact I'm feeling ok about a lot of things these past few days. I had devastating news the day before Thanksgiving that would normally have sent me to a depressed coma. However, with the new me, prayer, self reflection and new self worth, I am ok. Ok because I spent the holiday with family. I would rather have the simple life I have now instead of the fake life I had before. I have love.
Other wise I could say, bitter, party of one.
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